Plans Report


Plans Report
Amanda Plast

Table of Contents

Introduction - ……………………………                  3
Funding Plan - …………………………..                  4-8
Set-up Plan - ………………………….....                  9-13
Marketing Plan - ………………………...                  14 - 18

In this document we will organize the: funding, set-up and marketing plans of The Coffee Shop.   To help give us a step-by-step guide of the tasks we need to get done to have a successful business.  The Coffee Shop in a business dedicated to serving our customers and the community.  We sell quality food and beverages that meet the needs of the people coming in and out of our doors.  Out top priority is to serve everyone with quality and efficiently.  We also strive to cultivate an atmosphere of comfort so that customers feel at home while they are studying and meeting with groups in our shop.
Funding Plan
Our funding plan will be the most difficult of any of the plans.  However, with a through task list and correct structure the funding of our shop should become very attainable.  Here are the tasks:
1)   Prepare a business plan to show to investors.– Amanda will take care of planning the business plan and will have it looked over by all of the partners.  It should take a week to write up the business plan and have it correctly detailed.  It should not cost any money to write the business plan.
2)   Make a detailed estimated list of all of the purchases needing to be made. – One of our partners will be in charge of this task.  All of the partners will then come together in our weekly meeting and go over this list.   It will take roughly two weeks to have all of the details, and should not cost any money to do this.
3)   Make a list of potential investors. – Our outreach partner will be taking the lead in this task.  They will make a list of potential investors and all partners will meet back up during the weekly staff meeting to go over the list.  This will be going on during the process of the purchase list, so there will be a two-week time frame for this as well. 
4)   Decide on the property we will be opening the business in.  – All partners will go out and look for property to determine the amount that will be spent on the property.  This will take the hiring of a commercial real estate agent, so the cost will look to be around a thousand dollars.  The partners will look and negotiate prices to get a rough idea for one month.
5)   Come up with a sales pitch to share with investors. – One of the four partners will be working on this task.  His or her job is to look at every aspect and financial detail of the company and explain why The Coffee Shop is worth investing in.  This should not take any money, and should have about a week spent on this project.
6)   Call potential investors to set up appointments to meet with them. – One of the four partners will make phone calls to potential investors to meet and give them our business plan.  They will have a full workweek to call all of the investors on the list from the staff meeting.  It will not cost any money to make these phone calls.
7)   Meet with potential investors – All partners will divide and conquer, two partners will go out together and make the sales pitch to potential investors.  This will go on for one month with a week break per team.  The expenses will be that of traveling, food, and lodging with an estimated total of 5,000 total.
8)   Figuring out how much we need in loans. – The four partners will meet back up after the traveling, to sit down and discuss which investors gave what.  The main goal will be to figure out how much in bank loans are needed to start up the company.  There will be no cost and this should only take two days.
9)   Making a list of banks and figuring out interest rates. – One partner will spend sometime scoping out the interest rates of banks.  They will then call those banks to clarify the interest rates.  This should be no cost and will only take two days to complete.
10)                 Meeting with the bank loan managers.  -  Two of the four partners will go and meet with loan managers to get the best interest rate for The Coffee Shop.  They will go and take the business plan to the loan manager as well as what we’ve already received from private investors.  This will take one week to accomplish and there will be no cost involved.
11)                 Negotiating the Loan amount. – After the meetings at the banks, partners will meet back up decide what bank to go with and try to lower the interest rate or get shorter terms.  The same partners will then go and meet with the loan manager again and negotiate the deal.  This should take two days maximum and no money to accomplish.
12)                 Open accounts – One of the partners will be in charge of all of the accounts for private and bank investors.  They will set up a system in the computers for payment.  This will take two weeks so that it is done correctly and the only cost will be the computer software of two hundred dollars that we use to set up all of the information.
13)                 Finding companies to buy supplies from. – This task will be taken on by two of the partners to find the best and cheapest deals on products to use in the shop.  They will call suppliers and then make a list of all potential suppliers and bring all of the information back to the other two partners.  This will take two weeks and should not cost any money.
14)                 Setting up accounts with suppliers. – The same partner in charge of all of the finances will call and set up purchasing accounts and learn their purchasing procedures.  They will then transfer all of that information into our systems and then set up a purchase account with the bank.  This should take two weeks and one thousand dollars for convenience fees with the supply companies.
15)                 Create budget for monthly purchases. – One of the four partners will sit down and create a monthly budget of estimated expenses so that it is know how much will be spent each month.  They will put it all into the computer software so that it is available to all partners and managers.  This should take 2 weeks and should not have any expenses.

 Figure 1.  "The Foundry Coffee House".  James Daner.  Breckenridge.  2009.

The set-up plan will be a list of tasks so that The Coffee Shop can have an organized list of things needing to be done before they open their doors.  It will include things from hiring employees to the design of the shop.  The cost, duration, and detailed description will be listed in the task list.
1)   Tour the list of properties partners narrowed the list down to. – All partners will go out and look at potential properties.  They will come back and decide on the property.  This should take one week and only have the cost of the real estate agent.
2)   Negotiate the lease. – The CEO will go with the real estate agent to negotiate the price of the property chosen by all of the partners.  They will meet with the other agent and decide price until an approved amount is reached.  This should take one week.  This will also have no cost except to that of the real estate agent.
3)   Have interior designer come in to look at what needs to be remodeled. – The interior designer will come in and decide what needs to be changed on the property and what the floor plan will need to look like.  They will then report all of this back to one of the partners.  This should not cost us anything as I have a friend willing to donate her experience as a designer.  This should take one week of our schedule.
4)   Meet with landscape designer and builder. -  One of the partners will meet with the landscape designer and builder to determine the parking lot along with the back deck, and courtyard area.  They will also meet to discuss the upstairs patio that will need to be built.  The builder is willing to donate his services and the landscape designer is charging $10,000 for all of the work and supplies.  This should take two days.
5)   Start the remodeling and construction. – The interior designer, the partners, and friends of The Coffee Shop will start the laying of the flooring and the painting.  The builder and landscape designer will start their tasks as well.  This should take three weeks to take care of all interior and exterior remodeling.  The estimated cost of all remodeling is estimated at $20,000.
6)   Shopping for furniture. – The interior designer and CEO will go out and look for all of the furniture for one week.  They will determine what furniture is needed.  This should take one week to look for the important furniture.  The budget for furniture is 10,000.
7)   Buy all coffee equipment and kitchen equipment. – Two of the partners will sit down and look for all coffee and kitchen equipment.  They will order all we need from one distributor so that it all comes at once.  This should take one week and the estimated budget is $6,000.
8)   Moving in all furniture and setting up all equipment. – Friends and partners of The Coffee Shop will move in and set up all coffee and kitchen equipment.  This should take about four days.  There is no cost in all of this process.
9)   Set up all of the utilities and Internet accounts. – One of the partners will sit down and think about all of utilities and electronic accounts needed.  They will create the accounts and put in the budget how much the expenses will be per month.  This should take two days and there should only be the costs of bills for the month.
10)                 Find coffee distributor. – One of the partners will go and try coffees in the area to try and find the best Fair Trade Organic Coffee distributor.  They will then start an account with the distributor and will figure the amount needing to be spent and put it in the monthly budget.  This should take one week and the cost of beans per month should be around $2,000.
11)                 Find a chef and a baker. – The CEO and a partner will go out and look for a chef and a baker to bring on as full time.  They will go and taste and look at recipes from both the chef and the baker and then decide the menu as well.  This should take three weeks.  The estimated cost for both the chef and the baker are $40,000 a year.
12)                 Hold interviews for baristas. – The CEO will sit down and hold interviews to try and find a top quality staff.  They will sit down for a week and hold interviews and take notes as to who they like.  This should not cost anything.
13)                 Hire the employees. – All partners will sit down and discuss who will join the staff of The Coffee Shop.  They will then call all of chosen employees.  This should take one week and cost eight dollars per hour for each employee.
14)                 Training the employees. – The CEO will train all staff and teach them the expectations and standards they will be held to.  They will go through a packet of customer service skills and a book that teaches all of the recipes for the drinks.  This should take two weeks and should not cost anything.
15)                 Test run of The Coffee Shop. – The Coffee Shop will have a four-hour test run.  The shop will be open to friends of the coffee shop, with staff coming in for an hour each to get in experience.  This will take one day and will not cost anything.
Figure 2.  "Coffee Menu".  Ristretto Cafe.  Bloomington, Ill.  2010.

The most important thing in The Coffee Shops marketing needs is to reach the surrounding neighborhood.  To keep in their good graces is the most important thing.  Our target customers are still college students; our target age group is between 18-30.  We really want to incorporate a home away from home feeling in our shop and we want the to be taken out to the public as well through our marketing.  Our coffee shop gives customers a designed quiet space for studying, yet also meets the needs of community and fun.  Our meaning is for people to find a safe and comfortable place to go that is away from home, and the business of the world around them.  Below is the list of marketing tasks we need accomplish as a business.
1)   Hire an artist. – One of the partners will hire an artist to come up with an official logo, as well as design all of our t-shirts and products.  This will take three weeks, however, we will want different designs through out the year.  The cost of the artist is $10,000 a year.
2)   Hire ad agency. – One of the partners will find an ad agency to start taking care of all the slogans and where what we should be making as advertisements.  This should take one week to find the agency.  We will be paying $10,000 a year to this company.
3)   Come up with a slogan. – The ad agent and the four partners will sit down and discuss our permanent slogan.  They will create the slogan and then send the information to the artist as well.  This should take two weeks to process.  This should not cost any money.
4)   Decide how many signs to have. – The four partners will sit down to determine the numbers of signs we will have near our location, along with, the size of them as well.  Then we will meet with the sign company to have the signs made and put up.  This should take two weeks, and should cost $90,000.
5)   Outdoors advertizing. – The CEO and missions director will meet to decide what business, churches, and locations to put outside flyers.  The will decide what needs to be said on the flyers as well.  Then contact the locations to get permission to hang up flyers.  This should take a week, and should cost only the amount to print the flyers.
6)   Door-Hangers. – The artist will create a door hanger design.  The staff and partners of The Coffee Shop will then walk around the local neighborhoods and hang them on their doors.  This should take two weeks and will cost $1,000 dollars.
7)   Punch Cards. – The artist will create a punch card for regular customers to come in and use.  They will get a free drink for every ten purchases made in the shop.  This should take a week to create and we will only have to pay printing cost of the punch card.
8)   Discount for college students. – College students with a student ID.  The artist will create a flyer and then our staff will go to the local college campuses and hang them up.  This should take two weeks and will cost for the printing of the flyers.
9)   Promotional giveaways. – The CEO and partners will sit down to discuss a monthly promotion every month.  One day a month The Coffee Shop will give something for free to its first 50 customers of the day.  This planning should take three days and will not cost anything.
10)                 Local live music. – Our artist will create flyers that we will put around the college campuses, as well as, music stores in the area for bands to play.  We will have live music twice a week to try and get in more customers.  This should take a day and will only cost the amount to print the flyers.
11)                 Balloons – The CEO will pick three signature colors for our coffee shop.  We will place balloons out front to draw attention for the first two months.  This should only take a day to plan the colors and will cost $1,000 for the balloons.
12)                 Newspaper Ad. – Our artist and CEO will work hand in hand to create an ad to stick in the newspaper three days a week.  We will place an ad in Friday, Saturday, and Sunday’s newspaper to get the word out.  This should take a week and cost only the advertisement space.
13)                 Local Website Advertisements. – The CEO will look for local websites to place ads on.  Our artist will create and ad and email it to the website owner.  This should take two weeks to do and cost the advertisement space.
14)                 Sponsor Local High School Athletics. – The CEO will pick the three closest high schools.  Our artist will then design an ad to place in the schools gym, football field, and baseball field.  This should take a month and will cost $3,000 per school.
15)                 Ticket Stub. – Our artist will send our ad to local movie theaters as well as performance theaters.  We will buy advertisement space for the back of their ticket stubs.  This should take a week to do and will cost $3,000.

 Figure 3.  Balloons outside a coffee shop.  Espresso Buono Cafe.  Seattle, WA. 2010.

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